Metode Pembuatan Guludan Secara Mekanis denganTenaga Penggerak Traktor Dua Roda untuk Budidaya Tanaman Sayuran

Wawan Hermawan, Desrial ., Susanto Budi Sulistyo


The objective of this study was to determine the best tillage method for making planting beds forvegetables cultivation using a two-wheel type tractor. Five tillage methods using a two-wheel type tractorwith its equipments were tested and evaluated in this study. The methods which were tested were: 1)plowing using a reversible type plow, followed by ridging using a ridger and finished by harrowing using arotary tiller (B-F-G 1 method) ; 2) plowing, followed by harrowing and finished by ridging (B-G-F method);3) plowing, followed by harrowing followed by ridging and finished by 2nd harrowing (B-G-F-G method); 4)plowing, followed by 40 cm width of harrowing and finished by ridging (B-G-F 2 method); and 5) plowing,followed by 40 cm width of harrowing and finished by ridging with 40 cm tractor wheel-base (B-G-F 3method). The experiments were conducted on several plots of dry land. The results of the experimentsshowed that the B-G-F 3 method produced the best planting bed form, an appropriate bed size and abetter soil condition for vegetables cultivation. The field capacity of this method was 74 m2/hour and wasthe highest capacity among the five methods.

Keywords: planting bed, two wheel tractor, tillage, vegetable cultivation
Diterima: 9 Desember 2008; Disetujui: 20 Maret 2009


Wawan Hermawan (Primary Contact)
Desrial .
Susanto Budi Sulistyo
HermawanW., .D., & SulistyoS. B. (2014). Metode Pembuatan Guludan Secara Mekanis denganTenaga Penggerak Traktor Dua Roda untuk Budidaya Tanaman Sayuran. Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian, 23(1).

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