The Development Mask R-CNN Model for Identification of Melon Plant Leaves and Branches

Meia Noer Muslimah, Sri Wahjuni, Toto Haryanto


The quality of melons can be enhanced and optimized by pruning melon plants. Pruning is a removal process carried out on specific parts of the plant. Currently, melon plants are still pruned manually by farmers, but there are many drawbacks to this method. In this research, pruning is conducted on the branches and leaves of melon plants. Pruning can be facilitated with the assistance of a robot capable of recognizing leaves and branches. In this study, the method used to detect branches and leaves is the Mask Region-based Convolutional Neural Network (Mask R-CNN). Hyperparameter tuning technique is employed to obtain the best parameter values, including learning rate, weight decay, and learning momentum. Two scenarios are considered in this research, one with 10 epochs and the other with 30 epochs. The obtained Average Precision (AP) values at 10 epochs are 32.2% for leaf objects and 0% for branches. At 30 epochs, the AP values are 56.8% for leaf objects and 4.1% for branches. The mean Average Precision (mAP) is 16.1% for 10 epochs and 28.4% for 30 epochs.


Meia Noer Muslimah
Sri Wahjuni (Primary Contact)
Toto Haryanto
Noer MuslimahM., WahjuniS., & HaryantoT. (2024). The Development Mask R-CNN Model for Identification of Melon Plant Leaves and Branches. Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian, 12(3), 327-339.

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