Isolation, Carriers Selection and Inoculum Formulation of Thiobacillus spp.

  • Fahrizal Hazra
  • Enny Widyati


One of problems in international trading of coal is high content of suljur. B iodesuljuration of coal using Thiobacillus
spp is recognized as the most environmentally friendly to reduce the content. This research was aimed to collect and to isolate
Thiobacillus spp from coal, acid mine drainage, ex-coal mining soil and agriculture soil, on selected media. Colonies growing
on the media were re-isolated for further characterization to find the most similar to Thiobacillus spp. In this experiment, the selected isolate (5, J 0, 20, 50, and J 00 ml) was cultured in 100 g of coal dust, rice husk charcoal, wood charcoal, and
activated charcoal, to find an appropriate inoculum for coal desulJuration. To observe their survival rate, they were reisolated onto 10 ml Thiobacillus broth medium. The re-isolations were observed at the 7, 14, 21 and 28 days of incubation. The results showed that ThiobaciIlus spp was found only in acid mine drainage. After characterization, the isolates were strongly similar to Thiobacillusferrooxidans. The most proper inoculum was 100 ml culture ofThiobacillus in 100 g rice husk charcoal. It had 100% survival rate after 20 days cultured in that carrier.




Fahrizal Hazra
Jurnal Tanah dan Lingkungan, dengan ISSN 1410-7333 diterbitkan dua kali setahun yaitu pada bulan April dan Oktober oleh Departemen Ilmu Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan (nama baru dari Departemen Tanah), Fakultas Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Jurnal Tanah dan Lingkungan menyajikan artikel mengenai hasil penelitian dan ulasan tentang perkembangan mutakhir dalam bidang ilmu tanah, air dan ilmu lingkungan sebagai bahan kajian utama. Setiap naskah yang dikirim ke Jurnal Tanah dan Lingkungan, akan ditelaah oleh penelaah (reviewer) yang sesuai dengan bidangnya. Nama penelaah dicantumkan pada terbitan No. 2 dari setiap volume