Dinamics of Land Use/Cover and Its Conformity with Spatial Plan, and Land Carrying Capacity; Case Study in Ciater Sub District, Subang Regency, West Java Province
Dinamika Penggunaan/Tutupan Lahan dan Keselarasannya dengan Pola Ruang dan Daya Dukung Lahan; Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Ciater, Kabupaten Subang, Provinsi Jawa Barat
Ciater Sub-District is included in the southern part of Subang District which has a strategic function as a water catchment area, including natural reserves, nature tourism park and production forest. This condition needs to be controlled appropriately and sustainable. It should be noted that natural resource management for economic purposes sometimes ignores environmental factors. Therefore, there is a need for continuity between land use with spatial patterns and land carrying capacity (land capability), so there is no damage/disaster. This study aims to determine the types of land use/cover in 2006 and 2019 and their changes, to evaluate conformity of land use 2019 with spatial planning Subang District 2011-2031, and the carrying capacity of the land as well as the land value zone information on each combination of conformity. The basic methods used included geographic information systems (visual delineation, overlays, queries) and logical conformity matrices and land capability analysis by collecting data from field observations. The results showed that the most extensive land use/cover in each year was secondary forest with medium density with a percentage of 22.72% (2006), and 18.85% (2019). The most extensive pattern of change was from secondary forests of moderate density in 2006 to mixed gardens in 2019 with an percent area of 25.25% (173.35 ha). Land capability classes II, III and IV in Ciater District are 79.89%, while land capability classes VI are 20.11%. The analysis shows that the percent area of 57.25% conformed, 20.44% is not-conformed, while 22.30% is a transition. Thus, land in the study area is still relatively good in terms of conformity between the land carrying capacity with the existing policy. However, the occurrence of disasters at certain location points needs to get attention for all parties to be mitigated. Other results show, land conformity does not depend on land value, because on land that is conform (S) and not conform (TS), both have low land values. In land use planning, ecological and economic aspects are important aspects that need attention.
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Department of Soil Science and Land Resources Departemen Ilmu Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan, Faculty of Agriculture Fakultas Pertanian, IPB University