About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Journal of Soil Science and Environment Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan is a media that presents articles on the results of research and studies of the latest developments in the fields of soil and land resources, water and environmental sciences as the main study material.

Peer Review Process

Journal of Soil Science and Environment Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan upholds a rigorous peer review procedure to ensure the excellence and validity of its published research. This process is a double-blind review, maintaining anonymity for both authors and reviewers. Qualified experts in relevant fields conduct the review, evaluating submissions based on scientific significance, innovation, and alignment with the journal's objectives.

The incoming text will be checked for eligibility by the Chief Editor. Next, the Chief Editor will select an Editor who has an area of ​​expertise following the title of the manuscript that will be reviewed for the prequalification stage of the manuscript. At this stage, the editor responds to the manuscript and provides recommendations that the manuscript is feasible to be reviewed or returned to the author for improvement. The results of the prequalification of the manuscript from the Editor are submitted to the Chief Editor via OJS. If the Editor recommends that the script is suitable for review, the Chief Editor determines at least two reviewers to review the manuscript. However, if the Editor's recommendation is returned to the author for improvement, the Chief Editor asks the author to make improvements before the manuscript is sent to the reviewer.

Reviewers must review the text and return the results of the review to the Chief Editor through OJS as soon as possible, no later than 3 weeks. If one of the reviewers recommend a rejection, then the Chief Editor will ask the Editor's Board to determine the acceptance or rejection of the submitted text.

Manuscripts that need to be revised will be returned to the author, and the author must return the revised manuscript to the Editor via OJS from the Land and Environment Journal no later than 3 weeks. After that, the revised manuscript is sent back to the Editor to check whether the revised manuscript as suggested by the reviewer or not within 2 weeks. If there is still something that needs to be corrected by the reviewer, then the manuscript that has been revised by the author from the Editor is returned to the reviewer. The review and revision process between the reviewer and the writer occurs twice. After that, the review and revision process is carried out between the Editor and Writer which can occur several times until the substance is approved. Next, the manuscript is forwarded to the Technical Editor for display. The Chief Editor will send a letter of acceptance for the manuscript to be published to the author.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

All articles published Open Access will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download.  We are continuously working with our author communities to select the best choice of license options, currently being defined for this journal as follows:
Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike  (CC BY SA) International License

Publication Frequency 

Published twice a year, namely in April and October

How to Register


Journal History

Along with the increasing number of students and lecturers of the Department of Soil Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University and the increase in basic and applied research related to soil, land, water and environmental sciences, the presence of a scientific journal in the Department of Soil Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University is felt to be very much needed. To meet these needs, after a long preparation period, in April 1998 a Volume 1 Number 1 of Journal of Soil Science and Environment was published. The Journal of Soil and Environmental Science is published by the Department of Soil Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University with the address of Jl Raya Pajajaran No. 1 Bogor 16144.

The purpose of publishing this journal is as a medium of communication and publication of results of basic and applied research, brief communication, scientific reviews as well as news in the field of soil, land, water and environmental sciences as the main study points. This journal is published twice a year in one volume with two numbers, namely in April (Number 1) and October (Number 2).

At the beginning of the publication, the Journal of Soil and Environmental Sciences was led by the Chair of the Editorial Board, Prof. Dr. Dwi Andreas Santosa with 4 Editorial Board members as well as with 10 Reviewers and a Production Manager. The Review Board at that time came from various disciplines and also came from various Universities (UGM, Unila, Unibraw) and the research institutes of Ministry of Agriculture such as the Bogor Soil and Agro-climate Research Institute. The number of copies of the Journal of Soil and Environmental Sciences is 200 copies and in one number consists of 5 to 7 manuscripts with the number of pages ranging from 40 to 50 pages. This Journal of Soil and Environmental Science is distributed to all universities in Indonesia with its Faculty of Agriculture and also to various research institutions in agriculture. The journal is also sent to members of the Indonesian Soil Science Association, and individuals who actively subscribe. Manuscripts come from various sources such as research results from undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students and research from lecturers and other researchers not only from IPB but also from other universities in the country and various research institutions in agriculture. Each incoming manuscript is reviewed by two to three reviewers in accordance with their fields and the manuscript is published after being revised by the author based on comments and suggestions by the reviewers. The publication of the Journal of Soil and Environmental Science under the Chairman of the Editorial Board Prof. Dr. Dwi Andreas Santosa went smoothly until Volume 3 Number 2 of 2000. After that, the Chairman of the Editorial Board never changed but the publication of the Journal of Soil and Environmental Science stopped temporarily.

In April 2004 after the Journal of Soil and Environmental Science had not been published for four years, Prof. Iswandi Anas was assigned as the Chief Editor with the Executive Editor Dr. Sri Djuniwati. In connection with the existence of two journals named Journal of Soil and Environmental Science published by two different institutions namely the Department of Soil, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB and the Department of Soil, Faculty of Agriculture, UGM, the Journal of Soil Science and Environment published by the Department of Soil Science IPB was renamed the Journal of Soil and Environment. At almost the same time, the issuing institution also changed its name from the Department of Soil Science IPB to the Department Soil Sciences , with the address Jl. Meranti Darmaga Bogor IPB Campus 16680 by telephone 0251-8629360, fax 0251-8629358 and E-mail address: jtl_soilipb@yahoo.com and soilipb@indo.net.id. The Editorial Board was also replaced by six members of the Editorial Board and two Technical Editors. Subscribers are also given a subscription price at a personal subscription price of IDR 40,000 per year and Institution at IDR 60,000 per year.

Volume 6 No. 1 and No. 2 Journal of Soil Science and Environment published in April and October 2004 by the Department of Soil, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB. In 2005, the Department of Soil of the Faculty of Agriculture of IPB changed its name to the Department of Soil Science and Land Resources. Volume 7 No. 1 and No. 2 of Journal of Soil and Environment was published by adding two Editorial Boards from abroad, namely Prof. Dr Shamsuddin Yusop from University Putra Malaysia (UPM) and Prof. Dr K. Inubushi from Chiba University, Matsudo Japan. In addition to improving the quality of editorial matters, the presence of the two senior scientists from abroad is expected that the manuscripts published in the Journal of Soil and Environment also come from abroad and in English. The target to be achieved is the Journal Soil and Environment for the most part, and finally the entire script is written in English and its circulation is not only in Indonesia but also abroad. Since then there have been writings originating from abroad.

In July 2016 there was a change in the Editorial Board which was originally composed of 1). Responsible for Journal of Land and Environment, 2). Chief Editor, 3). Executive Editor, 4). Editorial Board, 5). Technical Editor (Managing Editors), and 6). Secretariat (Secretariate) becomes 1). Responsible for Journal of Soil and Environment, 2). Chief Editor , 3). Editors , 4). Technical Editors, and 5). Secretariate. In addition, there has been a change of Chief Editor since July 2016 assigned to Prof. Dr. Ir. Kukuh Murtilaksono, MS. The change of management of this journal is contained in a Decree (SK) from the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture IPB No. 264 / IT3.1 / HK / 2016 dated 29 July 2016 Regarding the Establishment of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Soil and Environment  of the Soil and Land Resources Department of the Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University.

Starting with the 2016 issue, the name of the journal, which was previously the Soil and Environmental Journal (JTL), was changed back to the Soil and Environmental Science Journal (JITL) with the same scope. The name is in accordance with the name of the journal registered in PDII-LIPI. This was done because it was related to the submission of E-ISSN, where the name of the journal must match those registered in PDII-LIPI. On February 7, 2017 JITL received No. E-ISSN 2549-2853 under the name Journal of Soil and Environmental Science and is valid starting with volume 19 No. April 1, 2017.

A better and more accredited and accredited Journal of Soil and Environmental Science is needed because in addition to being a means of communication of scientific research results of students and lecturers from various universities and research institutions, the Journal of Soil and Environmental Science is also an option to fulfill obligations for students S2 and S3 to meet graduation requirements with the need to publish their research results in appropriate and accredited journals. In addition, based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education in 2012, starting from the graduation after August 2012 applied to undergraduate programs (S1) must produce papers published in appropriate scientific journals. This need is a very strong driver to improve the quality of the issuance of the Journal of Soil and Environmental Sciences on an ongoing basis and obtain accreditation from the Ministry of National Education in accordance with the Director General of Higher Education Ministry of National Education's Regulation No. 1 of 2014.

Since getting the Journal Publishing Incentive Program, we have issued 18 publishing numbers, namely Volume 9 No.2 in 2007, Volume 10 No.1 and 2 in 2008, Volume 11 No. 1 and 2 of 2009, Volume 12 No.1 and 2 of 2010, Volume 13 No. 1 and 2 of 2011, Volume 14 No. 1 and 2 of 2012, Volume 15 No. 1 and 2 of 2013, Volume 16 No. 1 and 2 of 2014, Volume 17 No. 1 and 2 of 2015, and Volume 18 No. 1 of 2016. Furthermore, currently preparation for the publication was used using the online system through the Open Journal System (OJS).

Continuity and diversity of incoming papers and in accordance with the names and contents of journals are expected to continue to increase so that the Journal of Soil and Environmental Sciences can be published immediately in accordance with the accreditation rules of the Journal / Scientific Periodicals. We continue to make improvements both from the manager, reviewer and from the quality of incoming papers.

To revitalize the Journal, since August 14, 2018 the composition of the Editorial Board Board was updated through the Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture IPB No. 152/IT3.F1/KP/2018 with the assignment to Prof. Dr. Ir. Widiatmaka, DAA as chief editor. Membership of the Editorial Board is also enriched by the inclusion of editorial elements from the Geospatial Information Agency, the Indonesian Center for Agricultural Resources Research and Development, the University of Brawijaya, Padjadjaran University and the Center for Environmental Research of IPB. At present, this Journal has been indexed through Google Scholar, Mendeley, Crossreff, and the Garuda Portal. JITL has been accredited by Kemenristekdikti (Sinta 3) with Decree No. 85/M/KPT/2020, valid from Volume 20 Number 1 Year 2018 to Volume 24 Number 2 Year 2022.