Dynamics of Nitrogen Release by Four Types of Urea in Flooded Conditions
Dinamika Pelepasan Nitrogen Empat Jenis Pupuk Urea Pada Kondisi Tanah Tergenang
Urea fertilizer is the most widely used source of nitrogen (N) in Indonesia, including in paddy fields. Urea is a water-soluble N fertilizer, so the use of urea in paddy fields needs to be studied in relation to the release of fertilizer. In this study, urea with different formulations was used those were urea Kujang and Pusri as conventional urea, while urea prill and granule as modified urea containing 0.10 and 0.50% formaldehyde, respectively. The method in this study was the incubation and washing method. Incubation was carried out for 7, 14, 28, 45, 60, and 90 days and washing was conducted at the end of each incubation period. The results of washing were determined for the content of ammonium and nitrate. The results showed that the release of N in the form of ammonium and nitrate among urea fertilizer types were not significantly different. The results of total leached N showed that the highest value was obtained by granule urea at 78.0 mg tube-1, then followed by prill urea at 75.2 mg tube-1, Kujang urea at 71.5 mg tube-1, and Pusri urea at 68.4 mg tube-1. Based on the results of the first-order kinetic equation, The maximum release and constant rate were revealed. The highest value of maximum release was obtained by granule urea at 94.6 mg tube-1, then followed by prill urea at 88.3 mg tube-1, Pusri urea at 82.3 mg tube-1, and Kujang urea at 79.2 was mg tube-1. As for the rate constant the highest value of rate constant was obtained by urea Kujang at 0.0349 day-1, followed by prill urea and Pusri urea at 0.0256 day-1, and granule urea at 0.0253 day-1. The result suggested that urea treated with formaldehyde especially in the form of granule tended to slow down the release of N indicated by the lowest value of the rate constant of N released.
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Department of Soil Science and Land Resources Departemen Ilmu Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan, Faculty of Agriculture Fakultas Pertanian, IPB University