Soil Productivity Index Based on Soil Taxonomy and Its Correlation with Coffee Productivity in Several Soil Orders
Indeks Produktivitas Tanah Berbasis Soil Taxonomy dan Korelasinya Dengan Produktivitas Kopi pada Beberapa Ordo Tanah
Productivity Index (PI) assessment based on Soil Taxonomy is one of the simplest and relatively fixed models, so this model promising to be practical importance for regional scale, but up to now field tests concerning the model's accuracy for perennial crops have not been done. The present study aimed to evaluate the accuracy of IP model application based on Soil Taxonomy for coffee plant, which was manifested in the form of goodness of the correlation between productivity index and the productivity of Robusta coffee. The research was carried out in six locations of coffee plantation spread in Jember and Banyuwangi districts, namely Sidomulyo (smallholder farmer), Rayap-1 and Rayap-2, Tretes, Kampung Tengah, and Gumitir (PTPN XII plantation). In each location, a 1 x 1.5 meter of soil profile was established with a depth of 1 m for soil morphological identification and an analysis of the physical and chemical properties of each soil layer. Analysis of soil properties included soil texture, pH (H2O) and pH (KCl), soil organic-C, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and basic saturation. Based on soil physical and chemical properties of the six research sites, four soil subgroup along with their IP values were obtained, namely Typic Udorthents for Sidomulyo (IP = 6); Typic Dystrudepts for Rayap-2 (IP = 7); Typic Hapludalfs for Rayap-1, Kampung Tengah and Tretes (IP = 10); and Typic Eutrudepts for Gumitir (IP = 11). The results of this study indicated that IP had a very strong positive correlation with productivity of Robusta coffee (r = 0.84) in the form of simple linear model,. the higher the index of planting Robusta coffee productivity increases.
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Department of Soil Science and Land Resources Departemen Ilmu Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan, Faculty of Agriculture Fakultas Pertanian, IPB University