Analysis of Rainfall Pattern for Lahar Mitigation at Sinabung Volcano
Analisis Pola Hujan untuk Mitigasi Aliran Lahar Hujan Gunungapi Sinabung
Lahar is a natural process that becomes a hazard when it affects people and the environment. Lahars that are formed by a high intensity of rain and then form flows are secondary volcanic hazards. Sinabung Volcano that erupted in 2010 to date has released pyroclastic materials more than a hundred million cubics that can become lahars. To anticipate lahars, it is necessary to find out the rainfall pattern around the volcano. Therefore, this rainfall pattern information can be used to prepare the mitigation plan in order to anticipate lahars at Sinabung Volcano. Analysis of rainfall pattern uses measurement data of Sampali Climatology Station, Parapat Geophysical Station and Tuntungan Geophysical Station from 2000 to 2017. Buishand Range is used to testing the homogeneity of rainfall records. Then, the distribution of rainfall is displayed in the bar chart. Trend analysis uses Mann Kendall Test. The result of this research shows that the rainfall pattern at Sinabung Volcano is an equatorial rainfall pattern with the highest rainfall in May and October. Besides, trend analysis also shows the increase of rainfall in May so that mitigation needs to be prepared well to anticipate the risk of lahar hazards.
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Department of Soil Science and Land Resources Departemen Ilmu Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan, Faculty of Agriculture Fakultas Pertanian, IPB University