Changes Detection of Mangrove Vegetation Area in Banyak Islands Marine Natural Park, Sumatra, Southeast Asia

Muhammad Arif Nasution, Helmy Akbar, Singgih Afifa Putra, Ammar AL-Farga, Esraa E. Ammar, Yudi Setiawan


The mangrove ecosystem in the Banyak Islands faces urgent challenges due to environmental pressures, highlighting the need for accurate identification and conservation efforts. Mangrove forests provide crucial ecological benefits, making their preservation vital for sustainable regional development. To address these challenges, this study analyzed changes in mangrove vegetation on Tuangku Island, part of the Banyak Islands Marine Natural Park (BIMNP), over a decade (2010–2020). The methodology utilized Landsat imagery and ALOS PALSAR data, which were analyzed through the Google Earth Engine platform. Spectral index combinations, including NDVI, NDMI, MNDWI, and MVI, were analyzed using random forest classification, a tree-based machine learning algorithm. The study's methodology revealed that the total estimated mangrove area was 818.21 hectares in 2010, increased to 939.91 hectares in 2015, and then slightly decreased to 899.96 hectares in 2020. These findings indicate an initial expansion of mangrove vegetation followed by a decline, suggesting fluctuating environmental conditions or human impact over the period studied. The findings highlight the critical need for continuous monitoring and adaptive management practices to support the long-term sustainability of the mangrove ecosystem within the BIMNP. Based on these findings, we recommend implementing targeted conservation measures and further research to understand the underlying causes of the observed changes, thereby supporting the region's sustainable development and ecological health. 


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Muhammad Arif Nasution
Helmy Akbar
Singgih Afifa Putra (Primary Contact)
Ammar AL-Farga
Esraa E. Ammar
Yudi Setiawan
NasutionM. A., AkbarH., PutraS. A., AL-FargaA., AmmarE. E. and SetiawanY. (2025) “Changes Detection of Mangrove Vegetation Area in Banyak Islands Marine Natural Park, Sumatra, Southeast Asia”, Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management). Bogor, ID, 15(1), p. 68. doi: 10.29244/jpsl.15.1.68.

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