Nesting Site Preference of Tarsius fuscus in Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park, South Sulawesi

Lorenzo Elton Meo, Safira Arda Meylia, Reja Rahman, Ranti Gasela Majid, Salwa Nimatul Maula Amin, Muhammad Kahlil Gibran, Muhammad Ridwan Ali, Abdul Haris Mustari, Theresia avilla Laijanan


Tarsius fuscus is one of the smallest primates in the world endemic to South Sulawesi. T. fuscus as a wildlife is thought to tend to choose nests in places with certain criteria. Nests have an important role in wildlife habitats related to anti-predator, sleeping, and reproductive functions. Research on T. fuscus nesting preferences is important to do with the aim of analyzing T. fuscus nesting preferences and the factors that influence them. This research was conducted at the Mallawa Resort, Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park, South Sulawesi from July to August 2021. The method used was direct observation of T. fuscus nesting points. Biotic and abiotic data are recorded at each of these points either by direct measurement or with the help of GIS. T. fuscus nesting preference was determined by PCA calculation and Neu index. There are 7 parameters that influence the preferences of T. fuscus nesting sites, namely land cover, nest substrate, the height of the nest from ground level, distance from settlements, slope, elevation, and distance from rivers.


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Lorenzo Elton Meo (Primary Contact)
Safira Arda Meylia
Reja Rahman
Ranti Gasela Majid
Salwa Nimatul Maula Amin
Muhammad Kahlil Gibran
Muhammad Ridwan Ali
Abdul Haris Mustari
Theresia avilla Laijanan
MeoL. E., MeyliaS. A., RahmanR., MajidR. G., AminS. N. M., GibranM. K., AliM. R., MustariA. H. and LaijananT. avilla (2025) “Nesting Site Preference of Tarsius fuscus in Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park, South Sulawesi ”, Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management). Bogor, ID, 15(1), p. 90. doi: 10.29244/jpsl.15.1.90.

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