Performance Comparison of Waste Management Approach in West Java through Masaro and Waste-to-Energy (WtE) Power Plant Technologies

A. Zainal Abidin, Soen Steven, Andreas B. A. Silitonga, Axel A. Christian, Malikul M. A. Suyadi , Ernie S. A. Soekotjo, Elsye V. Yemensia, Alex Matin , Ridwan P. Putra


Waste is often considered as something useless and valueless. However, as the world enters a new industrial era, there is a growing awareness that waste has a high economic value. With proper processing, the waste can be recycled and even used as a feedstock for power generators. With a waste production reaching 24,000 tons per day in West Java, waste becomes a sustainable raw material. There are several methods for processing waste, such as Zero Waste Management Technology (Masaro) and Waste-to-Energy Power Plant (WtE). This study aims to compare the performance of Masaro and WtE technologies from their potential and economic impact. Both methods certainly have their advantages and disadvantages in terms of waste reduction capacities, products obtained, and financial benefits. This study reveals that Masaro technology can reduce 100% waste, whereas WtE can only reduce up to 70–97%. Subsequently, Masaro technology offers more diverse products rather than WtE (6 products vs. 3 products). Moreover, the gross profit margin (GPM) shows that Masaro can reach 99.27% while WtE is still in the range of 12.23–25.30%. It can be concluded that Masaro has quite higher potential and economic benefits compared to WtE. 


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A. Zainal Abidin (Primary Contact)
Soen Steven
Andreas B. A. Silitonga
Axel A. Christian
Malikul M. A. Suyadi
Ernie S. A. Soekotjo
Elsye V. Yemensia
Alex Matin
Ridwan P. Putra
AbidinA. Z., StevenS., SilitongaA. B. A., ChristianA. A., Suyadi M. M. A., SoekotjoE. S. A., YemensiaE. V., Matin A. and PutraR. P. (2024) “Performance Comparison of Waste Management Approach in West Java through Masaro and Waste-to-Energy (WtE) Power Plant Technologies”, Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management). Bogor, ID, 15(1), p. 10. doi: 10.29244/jpsl.15.1.10.

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