Community-led Initiatives for Water Resource Management in Sumenep Regency, Indonesia

Daniel Pandapotan Simarmata, Irza Khurun'in, Casimerus Yudilastiantoro


Water scarcity is a global issue affecting human health, well-being, and the environment. Community participation is vital to managing water resources, particularly in addressing water scarcity. In Indonesia, East Java is one of the provinces that frequently experiences water shortages. This research explores how local communities manage water resources and utilize local knowledge to address the vulnerability to clean water crises in Desa Parsanga, Sumenep, and East Java. This study employed a qualitative approach using interviews, observations, and document analysis as data collection methods. The research findings revealed that the local community's initiative is demonstrated through their participation in the construction of drilled wells. This participation is facilitated through an organization formed by the local community in Desa Parsanga called the Association of Drinking Water Users (HIPPAM). HIPPAM constructed five drilled wells that supply clean water to approximately 500 households. This initiative demonstrates that the local community
plays a strategic role in water resource management and can promote sustainable practices. This research provides insights into the potential of communities and local knowledge in addressing global water issues.


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Daniel Pandapotan Simarmata (Primary Contact)
Irza Khurun'in
Casimerus Yudilastiantoro
SimarmataD. P., Khurun’inI. and YudilastiantoroC. (2024) “Community-led Initiatives for Water Resource Management in Sumenep Regency, Indonesia”, Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management). Bogor, ID, 14(4), p. 675. doi: 10.29244/jpsl.14.4.675.

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