Abundance Analysis of Microplastics and Community Consumption In Batik Mussels (Paphia undulate) in Water Regions (Study in Banyuurip Village, Ujung Pangkah District, Gresik Regency)

Khoiron Khoiron, Dwi Ailim Puspita Firdaus


Microplastics are plastic waste that is degraded by sunlight into small particles and has a size of <5 mm. Batik mussels (Paphia undulata) have filter feeder properties, few detoxification enzymes, and are sedentary animals so these mussels are very likely to be contaminated with microplastics. This study aims to identify the abundance of microplastics and the level of community consumption of batik mussels (Paphia undulata) in the waters of Banyuurip Ujungpangkah, Gresik Regency. The results of this study showed that there were 3 forms of microplastics found in this research, there are fiber, fragments, and filaments the dominant form is fiber with a total of 100 particles/head. Fiber is caused by the activities of fishermen and is a form that easily accumulates in the digestion of biota. Blue is the dominant color found in all locations. The microplastic particles found ranged in size from 0.083 - 4.619 mm. The highest abundance of microplastics was in location 2 with 0.78 particles/head. The results of interviews with 30 respondents stated that the local community consumed batik mussels at a weekly frequency of 15 people with an average consumption of <50 g/day for 18 people and >50 g/day for 12 people.


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Khoiron Khoiron
khoiron@unej.ac.id (Primary Contact)
Dwi Ailim Puspita Firdaus
KhoironK. and FirdausD. A. P. (2024) “Abundance Analysis of Microplastics and Community Consumption In Batik Mussels (Paphia undulate) in Water Regions (Study in Banyuurip Village, Ujung Pangkah District, Gresik Regency)”, Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management). Bogor, ID, 14(2), p. 316. doi: 10.29244/jpsl.14.2.316.

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