The Utilization Contestation of Indonesian Inland Waters (Case: Lebak Lebung dan Sungai (L3S) Auction in Ogan Komering Ilir District, South Sumatera)

Fevi Rahma Dwi Putri, Arif Satria, Rillus A Kinseng, Taryono


Some of the Lebak Lebung and river public water areas in South Sumatra are governed by an auction system that has been carried out for a long time by the local community based on clans, namely "Lelang Lebak Lebung dan Sungai" (L3S). After 1982, the authorities implemented an auction system that transferred the implementation of the auction system to the management regime of the district government to apply regional autonomy. This transition provided governance changes, especially for the increasingly complex actors involved and competing in the L3S battle arena. This article aimed to analyze actor battles in the L3S arena by analyzing specifics about the regime transition change before and after the management of L3S applied, the institutionalization of patronage that was formed, and the social conflicts that occurred. This study used a constructivist paradigm and qualitative research methods. We identified 39 informants as research subjects who were chosen deliberately and analyzed the data using three stages: data reduction, presentation, and conclusion. The study results show that changes in L3S management are dominated by changes in rules and authority holders, which encourage access domination by entrepreneurs/non-fishermen. New working relations are formed by placing local fishermen as laborers and new non-fishermen actors as buyers. As a result, conflicts have occurred between actors.


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Fevi Rahma Dwi Putri (Primary Contact)
Arif Satria
Rillus A Kinseng
PutriF. R. D., SatriaA., KinsengR. A. and Taryono (2024) “The Utilization Contestation of Indonesian Inland Waters (Case: Lebak Lebung dan Sungai (L3S) Auction in Ogan Komering Ilir District, South Sumatera)”, Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management). Bogor, ID, 14(1), pp. 148-159. doi: 10.29244/jpsl.14.1.148-159.

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