Flood Hazard Mitigation at Tarusan Watershed, South Pesisir District, West Sumatera Province

Iswandi Umar, Triyatno


Floods are the most common natural disasters in Indonesia and have enormous potential. This study aims to determine the flood hazard zone and regional arrangement in the Tarusan Watershed, South Pesisir Regency. To determine the flood hazard zone using the GIS approach. The indicators used to determine flood hazard are slope, rainfall, soil type, landform, geology, and land use. Determine the direction of regional arrangement with an Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) approach. The results showed that the high flood hazard zone in the Tarusan watershed is about 22% of the total area, the medium index is around 58%, and the low flood hazard index is 20%. The high - hazard zone of flood disasters in the study area is caused by high rainfall and topographic conditions of the Tarusan Watershed. The main priority in the management of flood - hazard areas in the Tarusan Watershed is to find economic alternatives to reduce forest destruction. Increasing the economic value of the community can lead to reduced community activities in carrying out land conversion, especially in forest areas.


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Iswandi Umar
iswandi_u@yahoo.com (Primary Contact)
UmarI. and Triyatno (2024) “Flood Hazard Mitigation at Tarusan Watershed, South Pesisir District, West Sumatera Province”, Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management). Bogor, ID, 14(1), pp. 101-108. doi: 10.29244/jpsl.14.1.101-108.

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