The Analysis of sustainability factors underlying human-monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) conflict at IPB University

Sutan Sahala Muda Marpaung, Burhanuddin Masy'ud, Dini Hardini Has, Nursiti Aisyah Paputungan, Imam Maajid As-Shidqi Siregar


The proximity of the Macaca fascicularis habitat to locations of human activity, especially in the IPB University area, disrupts human activity, especially in the morning and evening. The act of Maccaca fascicularis entering human territory increases the potential for human conflict with Macaca fascicularis. This research aims to identify the variables that cause conflict in the IPB Dramaga Campus environment by describing the intensity of influence and interdependent relationships between variables and grouping them from the most influential to the least influential. This research was conducted at IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia in 2021. The object of this research was the Macaca fascicularis group located at the IPB Dramaga Campus. Data collection was carried out by applying the Focus Group Discussion method to determine the influencing variables and human conflict with Macaca fascicularis. Data analysis was carried out using the Micmac Method. Based on the research results, there are factors that influence food, vegetation, culture, and the important role of human activity, land, population, and mitigation. The Primate Animal Study Center (PSSP) in collaboration with the Bogor BKSDA is making efforts to overcome disturbances using the Trapping Cage method, which is a method carried out by storing iron cages filled with fruit such as bananas and others in several locations that are suspected to be frequently visited areas and Increase the active role of the community around the IPB campus which is affected by long-tailed monkeys by providing incentives for people who are able to catch long-tailed monkeys without causing harm.


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Sutan Sahala Muda Marpaung (Primary Contact)
Burhanuddin Masy'ud
Dini Hardini Has
Nursiti Aisyah Paputungan
Imam Maajid As-Shidqi Siregar
MarpaungS. S. M., Masy’udB., HasD. H., PaputunganN. A. and SiregarI. M. A.-S. (2023) “The Analysis of sustainability factors underlying human-monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) conflict at IPB University”, Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management). Bogor, ID, 13(4), pp. 596-505. doi: 10.29244/jpsl.13.4.596-505.

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