Species composition and stand structure of Shorea stenoptera Burck in The Forest Area with Special Purposes (KHDTK) Haurbentes, Indonesia

Rafi Hanif Mudzaky, Prijanto Pamoengkas, Adisti Permatasari Putri Hartoyo


The importance of preventing S. Stenoptera in restoring sustainable forest management to maintain the existence of forests in the future, the reduction due to deforestation causes a decrease in land conventions. Shorea stenoptera Burck is a forest species native to Borneo, Sumatra, Thailand, and Malaysia. IUCN declared this species in the category of Near Threatened. This study aims to analyze the species composition, stand structure, and natural regeneration of Shorea stenoptera Burck and identify the biophysics effect on the regeneration performance of  S. stenoptera in KHDTK Haurbentes. This research method uses vegetation analysis by constructing five observation areas. The results showed that S. stenoptera dominated at each growth stage. The stand structure shows an inverted J-curve. This indicates that the stands of S. stenoptera have turned into natural forest. The decrease in density followed the increase in diameter class, so S. stenoptera regeneration showed normal regeneration. Biophysical aspects such as slope and elevation affect the growth of S. Stenoptera by observing the characteristics of the analysis adjusted statistically.


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Rafi Hanif Mudzaky
rafihanifmudzaky@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Prijanto Pamoengkas
Adisti Permatasari Putri Hartoyo
MudzakyR. H., PamoengkasP. and HartoyoA. P. P. (2023) “Species composition and stand structure of Shorea stenoptera Burck in The Forest Area with Special Purposes (KHDTK) Haurbentes, Indonesia”, Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management). Bogor, ID, 13(4), pp. 644-655. doi: 10.29244/jpsl.13.4.644-655.

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