Attributes of the Water Supply Program in Soppeng regency, South Sulawesi

Emil Azmanajaya, Chaterina Paulus, Hadi Hermansyah, Ezra H Pongtuluran, Ishak Jumarang, Tuatul Mahmud


Decreasing water availability and increasing water demand have occurred in Soppeng regency, this is due to the potential of surface water as raw water for clean water is increasingly limited. In ensuring the sustainability of the clean water supply program in Soppeng regency, it is necessary to study the water supply using a system approach, so that the water supply in Soppeng regency can be sustainable. This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the constraints faced, program needs, and institutions that play a role in the supply of clean water in Soppeng regency with the Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) method. The results show that for the implementation of the clean water supply program, there are four key elements that need attention: the lack of institutional capacity, weak institutional governance, availability of raw water, and the role of Central Government (relevant ministries).


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Emil Azmanajaya (Primary Contact)
Chaterina Paulus
Hadi Hermansyah
Ezra H Pongtuluran
Ishak Jumarang
Tuatul Mahmud
AzmanajayaE., PaulusC., HermansyahH., PongtuluranE. H., JumarangI. and MahmudT. (2022) “Attributes of the Water Supply Program in Soppeng regency, South Sulawesi”, Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management). Bogor, ID, 12(3), pp. 555-569. doi: 10.29244/jpsl.12.3.555-569.

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