Wastewater reclamation design from sewerage system for gardening activity in Universitas Pertamina

Pavita Khansa , Evi Siti Sofiyah , I Wayan Koko Suryawan


Wastewater recycling is one of the criteria for continuous innovation at the campus level. Reclamation of water from the sewage system for gardening activities is one way to achieve this target at Universitas Pertamina. The aim of this study is to design and verify a water treatment unit from sewage to ready-to-use water for gardening activities. The units needed for the wastewater treatment system are a tank, Horizontal Roughing Filter (HRF), Rapid Sand Filtration (RSF), reservoir, and disinfection. The expected quality of effluent from processing is TDS 278 mg/L; TSS 1.3 mg/L; Turbidity 0.17 NTU; BOD5 0.63 mg/L; COD 6.12 mg/L; Total phosphate 0.95 mg/L; Nitrate 0.07 mg/L; detergent 0.7 mg/L; and total coliform MPN/100mL. The most important parameter in the sewerage water treatment process is the total coliform which must achieve an efficiency of 99%. This conventional method of water treatment is used because the availability of land is still sufficient, if it is not sufficient then further processing that is efficient, environmentally friendly, and has economic value is required.


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Pavita Khansa
pavitakhansa.0315@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Evi Siti Sofiyah
I Wayan Koko Suryawan
Pavita Khansa, Evi Siti Sofiyah and I Wayan Koko Suryawan (2022) “Wastewater reclamation design from sewerage system for gardening activity in Universitas Pertamina”, Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management). Bogor, ID, 11(4), pp. 685-695. doi: 10.29244/jpsl.11.4.685-695.

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