Ahmad Zaky Nugraha, Edi Iswanto Wiloso, Mohammad Yani


Cement production was a process that requires huge thermal energy and produces high greenhouse gas emissions. Co-processing or utilising alternative materials and alternative fuels for the combustion process in kiln was a solution to meet energy needs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the cement industry. This study aimed to analyze input, output, environmental impacts of cement production and calculate CO2-eq reduction from the system used alternative fuels on co-processing. The method used to determine differences and calculate CO2-eq reduction due to co-processing was life cycle assessment (LCA) and system approach. Based on the results of the LCA, the case 1 that used 100% coal energy required 3.50 GJ/ton-cement, 126 kWh/ton-cement, 2.19 L-diesel-oil/ton of cement and emited 0.84 ton-CO2-eq/ton-cement. Case 2 that had been substituted alternative fuels (saw dust) required 3.03 GJ per ton of cement, 118 kWh per ton of cement, 1.44 L diesel oil per ton of cement and emited 0.92 ton-CO2-eq per ton of cement. The results of global warming impact of  case 2 was higher than case 1. The assumption of  climate neutral made reduction global warming impact of case 2 by 14.65% and decrease CO2 emissions annually in plant by 71,601 tons CO2/year.  This result show that utilization of saw dust as biomass of climate neutral can be applied as an input for overall company specific emissions calculation to meet government regulation.


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Ahmad Zaky Nugraha (Primary Contact)
Edi Iswanto Wiloso
Mohammad Yani
Author Biography

Ahmad Zaky Nugraha, Institut Pertanian Bogor

Natural Resources and Enviromental Management (PSL IPB)
NugrahaA. Z., WilosoE. I. and YaniM. (2018) “PEMANFAATAN SERBUK GERGAJI SEBAGAI SUBSTITUSI BAHAN BAKAR PADA PROSES PEMBAKARAN - KILN DI PABRIK SEMEN DENGAN PENDEKATAN LIFE CYCLE ASSESMENT (LCA)”, Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management). Bogor, ID, 8(2), pp. 188-198. doi: 10.29244/jpsl.8.2.188-198.

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