The Practice of Discretion in Implementing Forest-Rehabilitation Policy in Forest Management Unit

Adi Dzikrullah Bahri


This study analyzed the implementation of discretion in forest and land rehabilitation policy (RHL) on street-level bureaucracy (SLB). The study conducted at Forest Management Unit (KPHL) Rinjani Barat, used Michael Lipsky's conception about street-level bureaucracy and discretion in the forest management. The result shows the history and forest tenure problem become a forest management framework for SLB. Because of that, forest management from top down system has changed to participatory between SLB and communities. The result of RHL policy is sucess story, good forest management and community welfare.


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Adi Dzikrullah Bahri (Primary Contact)
Author Biography

Adi Dzikrullah Bahri, Pusat Studi Agraria (PSA IPB), Sajogyo Institute

I am a researcher in the Center for Agrarian Studies (PSA IPB) and Sajogyo Institute, Bogor. My focus in governance and natural resourches policy.
BahriA. D. (2019) “The Practice of Discretion in Implementing Forest-Rehabilitation Policy in Forest Management Unit”, Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management). Bogor, ID, 9(1), pp. 52-60. doi: 10.29244/jpsl.9.1.52-60.

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