Wahyu Yun Santoso


Great potential of Indonesian biodiversity provides benefits and challenges as well in its protection and preservation. One critical issue arise along the rapid development of biotechnology is on genetic resources commersialization. Precautionary approach as mandated by Convention on Biological Diversity alternatively can be used as an opportunity for performing sustainable use of genetic resources. However, the lack of economic valuation of national natural resources is became an obstacle. Preventive expenditures is a common expenditures spent to avoid or prevent externalities. This normative research aims to find the significance of this method, on the  basis of precautionary approach, to valuate the genetic resources within bioprospecting applications.


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Wahyu Yun Santoso (Primary Contact)
SantosoW. Y. (2016) “SIGNIFIKANSI PREVENTIVE EXPENDITURES VALUATION DALAM BIOPROSPEKSI SUMBERDAYA GENETIK DI INDONESIA”, Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management). Bogor, ID, 6(1), p. 86. doi: 10.29244/jpsl.6.1.86.

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