Rekonstruksi Peran Perpustakaan dan Intervensi Pustakawan kepada Pemustaka
Introduction. In the era of information technology that causes the emergence of disruptive technology, libraries face very formidable challenges. Many businesses have gone bankrupt or at least reduced their employees due to this disruptive technology. Many of their jobs have been replaced by machines or robots. Libraries must develop new services so as not to be affected by this technology. Some libraries work has been taken over by machines, such as circulation of library materials and even digital libraries are now starting to operate. The concept of an intervention zone is determined by the nature of the user's problem and the stages of the user process leading to the identification of mediation and education levels. According to Kuhlthau, there are five levels of mediation, namely: organizer, locator, identifier, advisor, and counselor. If the user can work alone in finding information, then the librarian does not need to intervene to mediate the user. With a digital library, users no longer need to physically visit the library because all services can be done through devices. This study is a literature review that discusses the level of service or mediation according to Kuhlthau to meet the information needs of users.
Methods and Data Collection. The literature was collected from the internet and the library's print collection.
Data analysis. From the collected literature, notes of important points were made which were then analyzed descriptively.
Results and Discussion. Kuhlthau introduced an information service that he called intervention to users. According to Kuhlthau, there are two basic library services in which professional librarians are involved in the intervention, namely bibliographic reference and instruction. Reference services are mediation to users to assist with the location and use of resources and information. This kind of mediation can be a simple mediation, but it can also be a lengthy mediation that involves a complex and very lengthy information search process. The concept of an intervention zone is determined by the nature of the user's problem and the stages of the user process leading to the identification of mediation and education levels. According to Kuhlthau, there are five levels of mediation, namely: organizer, locator, identifier, advisor, and counselor. If the user can work alone in finding information, then the librarian does not need to intervene to mediate the user. However, if the user is not able to do the search on his own, then the presence of the librarian to intervene, namely mediating the user is very necessary
Conclusion. According to Kuhlthau, there are five levels of mediation, namely: organizer, locator, identifier, advisor, and counselor
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