This study aims to determine the resilience of single parent mothers in life. The study was conducted on 3 widows (1 divorce alive and 2 death divorced, aged 44-70 years) through observation and interviews with data reduction analysis, data presentation and conclusion. The results showed that the overall resilience of single parent mothers was low, seen from each aspect. However, DAS subjects have good resilience compared to RN and SW subjects, because DAS is elderly, single parent status is divorced, has long lost and is used to living alone. Meanwhile, the subjects RN and SW were single parents, divorced and felt traumatized when they got married. Based on the results of the study, especially for single mothers with new statuses and conditions, this is not a reason to give up facing a problem. The surrounding community is expected to pay more attention to the condition of single mothers, especially single mothers who have a level of economic difficulty and bear a lot of burdens. Not only that, counselors also have an important role in increasing single mother resilience so that the psychological impact of carrying out a new status as a single mother can be minimized.
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