Impulsive buying is an act of buying that was not previously recognized consciously. This study aimed to analyze the influence of self-concept, lifestyle, and marketing strategies on impulsive buying behavior in the Baby Boomer generation, X generation, and Y generation. This study used a cross sectional study design with direct interviews using questionnaires in DKI Jakarta Province. Ninety housewives were selected using the quota sampling method. Data analysis using one way anova and SEM-PLS. The results showed that the respondents' self-concept tended to be negative. Lifestyle of social orientation, family and productive orientation, and productive orientation dominate the baby boomer generation. In X generation, family and productive orientation, productive orientation, and social orientation dominate this generation. In Y generation, family orientation dominates the lifestyle orientation of this generation. The marketing strategy is in the medium category. Almost all respondents were classified as low on impulsive buying. It menas that three generations tend to shop by plan and not spontaneous in making buying decision. This research also found that there isi no significant differences in self-concept, lifestyle, marketing strategy, and impulsive buying between the three generations. Lifestyle significantly influence impulsive buying in all generations, the baby boomer generation, and X generation, except Y generation. Other variables in this study have no significant effect on impulsive buying.
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