In the digital era, the child environment is faced with technology that can influence child development. The aims of this research were to analyze the influence of child and family characteristics, gadget usage, and mother-child interaction on social-emotional development among preschool children. The research involved 122 families of preschool and selected randomly. The research location was chosen purposively that is Kedung Badak Village, Tanah Sareal Sub-district, Bogor City. Data was collected through interviews with questionnaires and then analyzed by descriptive and multiple linear regression test. The gadget usage consists of the duration of child’s gadget usage, child’s gadget addiction, and parental control. The results of multiple linear regression test shows that increasing the level of child's gadget addiction can decrease social-emotional development, whereas the increasing mother-child interaction can increase social-emotional development. Meanwhile, child age and family size positively influence social-emotional development but mother's education negatively affects social-emotional development. So, parents should strive for children not to use gadgets too often and to provide more opportunities for children to play and socialize. The government is also expected can educate parents about parenting in the digital age especially for early childhood parenting.
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