Perilaku Pembelian Hedonis Generasi Z: Promosi Pemasaran, Kelompok Acuan, dan Konsep Diri
Sometimes consumers can not understand their needs and desaires that can cause hedonic buying behavior.
The aim of this research was to analyze the effects of marketing promotion, reference group and self-concept on
hedonic buying behavior in generation Z. The study was conducted by online survey. Data analysis used
descriptive analysis, factor analysis, structural equation modeling (SEM) and independent sample t-test. SEM
analysis in this study used statistical software of Smart PLS 3 and Analisis of Moment Structures (AMOS) 22,0.
Two hundred and twenty two collage students have been selected by stratified proportionate random sampling
and divided into science group and social group. The result showed that self-concept had significant effect on the
hedonic buying in the science group. The marketing promotion and reference group have significant effects on
hedonic buying behavior both in science group and social groups. The research also showed a significant
difference in the variable promotion, reference group, self-concept and hedonic buying behavior between science
group and social group.
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