Gaya Pengambilan Keputusan Pembelian Pakaian Secara Online pada Generasi Z Indonesia
Strategic marketing decisions are based on the way the company understands consumers, including the way
consumers make purchasing decisions. This study aimed to analyze the generation Z consumer decision-making
style in Indonesia in the purchasing of clothing by online shop media. Generation Z is a generation that is different
from the previous generation because it has a unique character and has technological literacy. In this reseach the
decision-making style used eight factors from the Consumer Style Inventory (CSI). Samples of research were 200
people generation 16-22 years old who have bought clothes in online shop. The sampling technique used
purposive sampling. Data analysis technique used the Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The results showed that
seven factors that were brand consciousness, perfectionist, high-quality consciousness, recreational, hedonistic
consumer, impulsiveness, confused by over choice, fashion-conscious novelty, and habitual and brand loyal
orientation found in Indonesian Z generation in purchasing clothes by online. Another factor was that the price
value of consciousness is not confirmed in this study. Understanding consumer decision-making styles can
explain the basic considerations of Z generation as young consumers when choosing products from several
alternative product choices, brand selection, online stores, and purchasing intentions.
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