Gambaran Asupan Zat Gizi Makro dan Kebugaran Kardiorespiratori pada Atlet di Pemusatan LatihanTaekwondo Macronutrient Intake and Cardiorespiratory Fitness of Athletes in Taekwondo Center Training

Yanita Listianasari, Novia Kiftiani


Sport is a physical activity that is useful in improving fitness. Fitness is a person’s ability to carry out sports activities without feeling severe fatigue and still having energy reserves to carry out other activities. Cardiorespiratory fitness is influenced by macronutrient intake. The research aims to determine the description of macronutrient intake and cardiorespiratory fitness in Taekwondo athletes. This type of observational research with descriptive analysis. The subjects were 22 taekwondo athletes who were taking part in the 2023 of Pekan Olahraga Pelajar Daerah (POPDA) selection training at the Tasikmalaya City taekwondo training centre. Data collection on macronutrient intake used the interview method by filling in a 2x24 hour recall form. Cardiorespiratory fitness data is determined by measuring VO2Max (Balke test). The research result showed that the majority of taekwondo athletes had insufficient macronutrient intake. Protein, fat and carbohydrate untake were 100%, 82% and 100% respectively. Cardiorespiratory fitness, 27% were in the good category, 41% in the poor category and 18% in the very poor category. Nutritional interventions and education are needed to improve cardiorespiratory fitness and athlete performance.



Yanita Listianasari (Primary Contact)
Novia Kiftiani
ListianasariY. and KiftianiN. (2024) “Gambaran Asupan Zat Gizi Makro dan Kebugaran Kardiorespiratori pada Atlet di Pemusatan LatihanTaekwondo: Macronutrient Intake and Cardiorespiratory Fitness of Athletes in Taekwondo Center Training”, Jurnal Ilmu Gizi dan Dietetik. bjm, 3(2), pp. 128-133. doi: 10.25182/jigd.2024.3.2.128-133.
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