Hubungan Pendapatan Keluarga dengan Status Gizi Anak Usia Sekolah Berdasarkan Indeks Berat Badan menurut Tinggi Badan di Desa Babakan Kecamatan Dramaga The Correlation between Family Income and Nutritional Status of School-Aged Children based on Weight-for-Height Z-score (WHZ) in Babakan Village Dramaga Subdistrict

Sharikha Herlinanda Arya Putri, Dadang Sukandar, Rivaini Fatimah Makbul


Wasting is a form of malnutrition which is characterized by significant and rapid weight loss in children, so that their weight becomes very low compared to their height. This study aims to evaluate the relationship between family income and nutritional status based on Weight for Height Z-Score (WHZ) in school-aged children in Babakan village, Dramaga sub-district. This research involved 33 school age children with an age range of 6-12 years. Data was collected through structured surveys and anthropometric measurements, and analyzed using statistical tests. The results showed that the majority of respondents had normal nutritional status, although there were variations in family income levels. Statistical analysis used the Pearson correlation test which showed that there was no significant relationship between family income and nutritional status based on WHZ for school-aged children (p>0.05). This indicates that there are other factors that are more dominant in determining the nutritional status of school-aged children, such as parenting patterns, parental nutritional education, access to health services, and the social environment. Therefore, efforts to improve the nutritional status of school-age children should not only focus on increasing family income, but also need to consider a more holistic approach.



Sharikha Herlinanda Arya Putri (Primary Contact)
Dadang Sukandar
Rivaini Fatimah Makbul
PutriS. H. A., SukandarD. and MakbulR. F. (2024) “Hubungan Pendapatan Keluarga dengan Status Gizi Anak Usia Sekolah Berdasarkan Indeks Berat Badan menurut Tinggi Badan di Desa Babakan Kecamatan Dramaga : The Correlation between Family Income and Nutritional Status of School-Aged Children based on Weight-for-Height Z-score (WHZ) in Babakan Village Dramaga Subdistrict”, Jurnal Ilmu Gizi dan Dietetik. bjm, 3(2), pp. 85-90. doi: 10.25182/jigd.2024.3.2.85-90.
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