Pengaruh Pengeluaran Pangan Keluarga dan Pengetahuan Gizi Ibu terhadap Status Gizi Usia Remaja di Desa Babakan The Influence of Family Food Expenditure and Mother’s Nutritional Knowledge on the Nutritional Status of Adolescents in Babakan Village

Fayza Adira Hakim, Sharannie, Yayat Heryanto


This research aims to analyze the influence of family food expenditure and maternal nutritional knowledge on the nutritional status of adolescents in Babakan Village, Dramaga District, Bogor Regency. The research design was a cross sectional study involving 63 teenage subjects in Babakan Village who were selected using purposive sampling. Data collection was carried out on 15-22 August 2023. The data used was primary and secondary data.  Data was collected using the interview method. Based on the research results, most families have low food expenditure (80.9%) with most mothers' knowledge being in the good category (61.9%). Most of the teenagers in Babakan Village had normal nutritional status.  There was no significant relationship between family food expenditure (p=0.50) and maternal nutritional knowledge (p=0.65) on adolescent nutritional status.


Fayza Adira Hakim (Primary Contact)
Yayat Heryanto
HakimF. A., Sharannie and HeryatnoY. (2024) “Pengaruh Pengeluaran Pangan Keluarga dan Pengetahuan Gizi Ibu terhadap Status Gizi Usia Remaja di Desa Babakan: The Influence of Family Food Expenditure and Mother’s Nutritional Knowledge on the Nutritional Status of Adolescents in Babakan Village”, Jurnal Ilmu Gizi dan Dietetik. bjm, 3(2), pp. 134-139. doi: 10.25182/jigd.2024.3.2.134-139.
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