Garut Flash Flood Victim's Families: Relation Between Stress Management and Family Resilience Based on Residence and Post-disaster Time

Garut Flash Flood Victim's Families: Relation Between Stress Management and Family Resilience Based on Residence and Post-disaster Time

  • Euis Sunarti Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology, IPB University, Indonesia
  • Marwiah Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology, IPB University, Indonesia
  • Siti Badaria Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology, IPB University, Indonesia
  • Intan Islamia Department of Islamic Psychology, Raden Intan State Islamic University of Lampung, Indonesia
Keywords: disaster risk, family resilience, post-disaster investment, temporary shelter


This research aimed to analyze stress management (stressors, coping strategies, and stress symptoms) and family resilience (process and output) of garut flash flood victim families at 1 and 4 months post-disaster. This cross-sectional study involved 120 families (each 60 from the temporary shelter (FTS) and nontemporary shelter (FNTS)) who were chosen by stratified non-proportional random sampling. The results showed that FNTS faced higher stressors and did higher coping strategies than FTS, either at 1 or 4 months post-disaster. Stress symptoms were also higher among FNTS at 1-month post-disaster, while the output of family resilience was higher in FTS at 4 months post-disaster. Stressors significantly influenced stress symptoms at 1-month post-disaster, coping strategies and the process of family resilience. In contrast, stressors influenced stress symptoms at 4 months post-disaster, coping strategies and stress symptoms 1-month post-disaster. The process of family resilience influenced the output of family resilience at 1-month post-disaster. In contrast, the output of family resilience at 4 month post-disaster was influenced by residence, family income per capita, stressors and the process of family resilience. This study reinforces the importance of family resilience in disaster-prone areas.


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How to Cite
SunartiE., Marwiah, BadariaS., & IslamiaI. (2022). Garut Flash Flood Victim’s Families: Relation Between Stress Management and Family Resilience Based on Residence and Post-disaster Time: Garut Flash Flood Victim’s Families: Relation Between Stress Management and Family Resilience Based on Residence and Post-disaster Time. Journal of Family Sciences, 6(2), 96-110.