Pengaruh Kombinasi Perlakuan Air Panas dan Kultur Jaringan terhadap Infeksi Virus pada Bawang Merah

  • Astri Windia Wulandari Wulandari Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran, Bandung 40391
  • Sobir Sobir Department of Agronomy, IPB University
  • Sri Hendrastuti Hidayat Department of Plant Protection, IPB University
Keywords: 'Bima Curut', Carlavirus, Potyvirus, 'Sumenep', virus free


Effect of Combination of Hot Water Treatment and Tissue Culture on Virus Infections in Shallot

Most shallot farmers in Indonesia use bulbs as their propagative materials despite many diseases were known to be transmitted through bulbs. Heat treatment is a common method used to produce virus-free plants, i.e. using hot water or hot air treatment which is generally applied on the dormant organs such as seeds or bulbs. Research was conducted to get virus free shallot bulbs through hot water treatment combined with tissue culture. Detection of the virus before treatment using Dot immuno binding assay confirmed the infection of Potyvirus (Onion yellow dwarf virus/OYDV), Carlavirus (Shallot latent virus/SLV and Garlic common latent virus/GCLV) from bulb. The experiment was done using a completely randomized design with three factors, i.e. cultivar (Sumenep and Bima Curut), temperature (45 °C, 50 °C, and room temperature), and heating time (15 and 30 min).  In general, hot water treatment combined with tissue culture did not affect the ability of plantlets to grow and the number of leaf. Based on virus detection using RT-PCR, 100% elimination of Potyvirus and Carlavirus on cultivar Bima Curut was observed at temperature of 45 °C for 15 minutes; whereas on cultivar Sumenep hot water treatment at 50 °C for 15 minutes was able to eliminate 100% Potyvirus and 33.33% Carlavirus.


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How to Cite
WulandariA. W. W., SobirS., & HidayatS. H. (2021). Pengaruh Kombinasi Perlakuan Air Panas dan Kultur Jaringan terhadap Infeksi Virus pada Bawang Merah. Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia, 17(2), 49-57.

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