Manuscript Processing

Manuscript Processing

Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Child, Family, and Consumer Studies (JCFCS) will go through a structured review process. The following is an outline of the step-by-step procedure from submission to publication.

1. The author fills out the Publication Commitment Form for JCFCS.

2. The author submits the manuscript for review.

3. The Editor in Chief reviews and approves the manuscript:

     - If not approved, the manuscript must be revised and resubmitted.

     - If approved, it proceeds to the formatting check.

4. The Managing Editor checks the manuscript format based on the Guidelines for Authors of JCFCS:

     - If not in accordance, the manuscript must be revised.

     - If approved, it moves to the substance review.

5. The Editorial Board conducts a substance review of the manuscript.

6. If revisions are required, the author revises and resubmits the manuscript.

7. Reviewers evaluate the manuscript’s substance and provide corrections.

8. The author revises and translates the manuscript into English (if not yet in English).

9. Turnitin and Grammarly checks:

      - If not passed, further revision is required.

      - If passed, the manuscript proceeds to the layout stage.

10. The final revision is completed before the editorial board meeting.

11. The Editorial Board Meeting determines the manuscript’s eligibility for publication.

12. If approved, the manuscript is published as an article in JCFCS.

13. The article is officially published and accessible to readers.