Conference of Islamic Economics for Agromaritime Development
The agricultural sector is one of the main economic sectors in human life, because it is closely related to fulfilling basic human needs, which are linked to the problems of hunger and poverty. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) notes that there are 815 million people are hungry and some are malnourished. This reflects an unbalanced food system.
Meanwhile, Afidati et al., stated that the agricultural sector has played a role in the national economy through forming GDP, earning foreign exchange, providing food and industrial materials, alleviating poverty, creating jobs, and increasing people's income. The agricultural sector has a large future multiplier effect through the input-output outcome linkages between industry, consumption and investment. In addition, the role of agricultural sector in economic development is very important, since nearly 30% of Indonesian society depend on this sector for their livelihoods. This makes agricultural sector is still part of the potential development resources to be used as a strategic sector for current and future development planning, both at the national and regional levels.
Agricultural sector also closely related to the agro-maritime sector where the cultivation process is maximized both on land and at sea. This sector’s development is closely related to islamic economics since its strength lies in the real economic sector, and its vital role in achieving almost all components of maqashid al-syariah. There is a lot of potential for Islamic economics and finance to encourage agro-maritime development.
Therefore, for further study and discussion is needed regarding the role of islamic economics in agro-maritime development. This is the aim of the international conference "Islamic Economics for Agro Maritime Development" will be held by Department of Sharia Economics, IPB University.
Theme of Session
1. Islamic Economics and Finance
~ Public Policy and Islamic Economics Management
~ Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance
~ Islamic Microfinance Management
~ Human Resources Training in Islamic Economics and Financece
2. Islamic Social Finance
~ Zakat
~ Waqf
~ Islamic Social Finance Institutional
~ Islamic Social Finance Training
3. Halal Industry Management
~ Halal Industry Development Strategy
~ Consumer Behavior of Halal Products
~ Halal Product Study
~ Halal Industry Management Training
4. Halal Industry Development Strategy
~ Islamic Agribusiness Institutional
~ Islamic Agribusiness System
~ Islamic Agribusiness Training
1. Prof. Datin Dr. Rusni Hassan (International Islamic University Malaysia)
2. Dr. Eskandar Shah (Hamad bin Khalifa University, Qatar)
3. Dr. Rizki Prima Sakti (University College of Bahrain)
4. Dr. Muhammad Abduh (Universiti Brunei Darussalam)
Chairman : Dr. Laily Dwi Arsyianti, SE., MSc
Deputy Chairman : Rahmat Yanuar, S.P., M.Sc
Secretary : Fauziyah Rahmi Adilah, SE
Treasurer : Dian Wahyuni, A.Md.
Secretariat : Dwi Yulianthi, S.T.P
Event : Yekti Mahanani, S.E., M.Sc.IBF
Indah Fresma Sari, S.EF
Fauziyah Rahmi Adilah, SE
Fadhil Jamaludin
Media : Rahman Maulana
Fadjroel Falah Akbar Sam
Noer Resky Juliarty
Liaison officer : Ryan Lukita
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Important Dates
1. Deadline Structured Abstract Submission : May 26, 2024
2. Opening Conference Islamic Economics for Agromaritime Development : May 29, 2024
3. Announcement Top 40 Structured Abstract : June 4, 2024
4. Deadline Full Paper Submission : June 21, 2024
5. Presentation Top 40 Call for Proceeding Paper : June 25, 2024