Dukungan Selebriti Terhadap Produk Hortikultura Online pada Era Digital di PT. Tani Hub Indonesia
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Developing a business in this digital era is related to changes in people's behavior and shopping patterns, which usually shop offline become online. Digital developments make it easier for consumers to do shopping activities on e-commerce that can be accessed anywhere and anytime. Marketing activities are also growing, one of which is the celebrity endorsement marketing strategy which is currently being carried out by many entrepreneurs. By relying on the popularity of celebrities, the products sold can reach consumers outside the city and abroad. This celebrity endorsement is usually applied to beauty or fashion products, but one of the agribusiness e-commerce that sells horticultural products that used this strategy, namely Tani Hub. The purpose of this study is to analyze how celebrities can influence consumer's buying intentions for horticultural products sold online by Tani Hub's agribusiness e-commerce, then what factors influence it the most and how the role of celebrities is on Tani Hub's social media. This research method used a quantitative research with secondary data analysis approach. The analysis was carried out using the PLS-SEM data analysis technique. The research respondents were 100 who came from Tani Hub's social media followers, Instagram. The respondent's determination technique used convenience sampling technique. The results showed that only one variable had a significant effect, namely attractiveness, which was the most influential factor. The remaining variables, namely truthwthiness, expertise and celebrity match-up have no significant effect. The biggest role of celebrities is to increase followers on Tani Hub's social media.
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