Analisis Struktur Pasar Kentang Pada Pasar Relokasi di Plaju Palembang
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Pasar Modern Plaju is a modern market, which was relocated from the traditional market Pasar Plaju so that there is a change in management of the market. Vegetables are the most widely sold commodity in the market, one of which is potatoes. Potatoes harvested area and production in South Sumatra had fluctuated in the past five years. Producer and consumer prices also fluctuated but have positive trends. Changes in market management and potato prices are always fluctuating, which would affect the market structure. The study aimed at determining the buying and selling activities and the structure of the potato market in Pasar Modern Plaju. The data came from 10 potato retailers. The data collected is daily data from buying and selling activities during January 2020 and was analyzed quantitatively. The analysis used was market concentration ratio (CR) and HHI (Herfindal-Hirschman Index). The result showed the diluent traders bought potatoes from a collector at a maximum of 600 kg per purchase, did not do grading, and the payment system was in cash. The market concentration ratio showed 59,18% CR4 and 93,27% CR8 was indicated that the structure of the potato market in Pasar Modern Plaju was oligopsony. HHI value 1.313 also showed that the potatoes market structure trend to word oligopsony market. These findings imply that the structure market can be influenced by the type of market.
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