Produksi Telur Ayam Persilangan Merawang dengan Arab

  • N. Widayanti
  • S. Darwati
  • R. Afnan


The egg production of local chiken can be increased by crossing of arab and merawang chicken. This study aimed to observed egg production performances of crossing between merawang x merawangarab (M-MA), merawangarab x merawang (MA-M), merawangarab x merawangarab (MA-MA), arabmerawang x arabmerawang (AM-AM), merawangarab x arab (MA-A), and arab x merawangarab (A-MA). Parameters in this study were egg weight, egg shape index, hen day production and feed conversion. The result showed that the egg weight of MA-M chicken was significantly greater (P<0.05). than M-MA, MA-MA, AM-AM, MA-A, and A-MA chicken. The MA-A egg index was significantly larger (P<0.05) than other crossing. Hen day production of M-MA chicken was significantly greater (P<0.05) and feed convertion was significantly efficient (P<0.05) than other crossing. MA hens had better production than other hens.


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How to Cite
WidayantiN., DarwatiS., & AfnanR. (2019). Produksi Telur Ayam Persilangan Merawang dengan Arab. Jurnal Ilmu Produksi Dan Teknologi Hasil Peternakan, 7(3), 120-122.