Author Guideline

The manuscript content should be arranged as the following order: Title, Affiliation, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Method, Result and discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement (if any), and Reference.

Titles are written in Indonesian and English, maximum 15 words, and describe contents of the text.

Affiliations are as full and complete as possible and include the country.

Abstract text should be summarized and maximum consists of 200 words in a single paragraph. The abstract is written English, and followed by keywords.

Keywords are written in English, and consist of four to six words or phrases arranged alphabetically.

Introduction should be written about 400–600 words and contains background and aims of the research.

Methods should contains at least three subsections; Time and location, Tools and materials, and Research method.

Result and discussion should be separate into two subsections.

Figures and tables should be presented in the paragraph text (do not separate in another page). Graphics, maps, or images should be has a good quality, at least in 300 dpi. The figures and tables should be numbered and be mention in the text.

Conclusion should be written briefly in a single paragraph, and answer the aims of the research.

Acknowledgment if any to persons, institution, or donor who help the research study should be stated.

References should be listed alphabetically and should be the last 5 year publication of an international journal.


Some examples of references are presented below:

Book: Nikolsky GV. 1963. The Ecology of Fishes. London and New York: Academic Press. 352 p.

Journal: Satria A, Sugoya Y. 2002. Decentralization of fisheries management in Malaysia. Marine Policy. 28(5):437−450.

Thesis: Tama S. 2019. Kondisi habitat lobster pasir (Panulirus homarus) di perairan Lampung Timur. [tesis] Bogor(ID): Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Dissertation: Kuzoki K. 2019. Pengelolaan berkelanjutan perikanan tuna di Selat Malaka. [disertasi] Bogor (ID): Institut Pertanian Bogor.


Note: All authors names should be written in the reference, and reference citation in the text should be written as “The last name of first author et al. (year)”. Example: Tama et al. (2019) or (Tama et al. 2019).

Download the full version of Author Guidelines here.

Instruction to Authors

  1. The manuscripts must be original, have not been published previously in any scientific journal, that manuscripts are not being submitted for publication elsewhere, and will not be submitted to any media during the review process, unless the authors have officially withdrawn the manuscript.
  2. The manuscript that can be accepted in the Habitus Aquatica Journal are articles, short communications, and reviews that contribute to a scientific understanding in the areas of Aquatic Science and Fisheries Science.
  3. The manuscript was written in Indonesian or English and no more than fifteen pages. Manuscript in English version must be along with abstract in English and Indonesian. If you have a constraint on making an abstract in Indonesian, the Section Editor will help you to fix it. 
  4. The manuscript content should be arranged as the following order: Title, Affiliation, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Method, Result and discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement (if any), and Reference.
  5. The manuscript should be submitted electronically through online submission (Open Journal System) at Habitus Aquatica website:
  6. The decision to accept or reject the manuscript will be notified through the Open Journal System or email.
  7. For a more complete guide, please find in the following link here.