Phytoplankton Diversity and Relationship with Water Quality of Cikoncang Reservoir, Lebak Regency
Keanekaragaman Fitoplankton dan Hubunganya dengan kualitas Air Waduk Cikoncang, Kabupaten Lebak
Phytoplankton are aquatic biota that have a rapid reaction to changes in water quality. Increased activities such as tourism and KJA in Cikoncang Reservoir can potentially reduce water quality. Phytoplankton is a bioindicator of water quality, phytoplankton diversity can describe water conditions. The purpose of the study was to analyze phytoplankton diversity, water quality, and the relationship between diversity and water quality of Cikoncang Reservoir. The research was conducted in March and April 2023. There were 5 research stations taken based on the purposive sampling method. Phytoplankton diversity is generally included in moderate diversity with a stable community and the distribution of individuals of each species with a range of values of 1.857–2.122. Based on the saprobity index, it can be seen that the Cikoncang Reservoir waters are included in moderate to light pollution. Based on PCA analysis, diversity has a positive relationship or correlates with brightness, temperature, DO, pH, nitrate, and TDS.
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