Bioecology studies of giant clam (Tridacnae) Community in Patani, Central Halmahera Regency
Giant clams are large mollusks that inhabit coral reef ecosystems and are found in shallow waters up to depths of 20 meters. They play a crucial role as benthic biofilters, cleaning excess microorganisms and dissolved pollutants to help maintain the environmental balance of marine waters. This study aims to analyze the bioecology of giant clams in the coastal waters of Patani Subdistrict, Central Halmahera Regency, North Maluku Province as a foundation for conservation and protection efforts. Giant clam samples were collected using a belt transect method. Data analyses included relative abundance, density, Morisita Index, cluster hierarchy, and linear regression. The results indicated that Tridacna crocea had the highest relative abundance, while Tridacna maxima had the lowest. Tridacna crocea also showed the highest density, and Hippopus hippopus the lowest. Overall, the distribution pattern of giant clams was clustered. This clustered distribution was attributed to the species' gregarious nature and similarities in habitat and food availability. The study further identified two population clusters: the Patani Bay cluster and the Liwo-Sayafi Island cluster. Linear regression analysis revealed that temperature, pH, and water clarity significantly influenced abundance, whereas depth and salinity had no significant effect.
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