Sediment Characteristics of Sei Carang Waters, Tanjungpinang City - Indonesia
Karakteristik Sedimen pada Perairan Sei Carang, Kota Tanjungpinang - Indonesia
Sei Carang has many open land areas and former bauxite. In addition, the condition of waters in Sei Carang can becomes turbid and turns yellowish brown when rains occur. Therefore, a study was conducted with the purpose of knowing the physical environment conditions of waters in Sei Carang waters with test parameters such as turbidity, current speed and knowing the characteristics of sediments in Sei Carang waters by using purposive sampling method. The purposive sampling method was applied to 4 research stations with the characteristics of station I in the bauxite mining area, station II in the open land area, station III in mangrove vegetation damaged by logging, and station IV on natural mangrove vegetation. The sedimentation characteristics in the water column is medium sand, while at the base of the water is coarse sand.
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