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The objective of the research is to analyze the strategic alternative to be implemented in the Bogor development of milk production cooperation. The analysis covered descriptive analysis, Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE), External Factor Evaluation (EFE), Internal-External (IE) matrix analysis, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threat (SWOT). The results showed that the position of the cooperatives in quadrants V of the Internal-Eksternal (IE) matrix, the strategy of the cooperative should be hold and maintain where a strategy that is widely used in these cells is market penetration and product development. Managerial implication of alternative strategy that can be immplemented in the milk production cooperatives are improve the competitiveness of products, products promotion, promotion activities by socializing the importance of drinking milk, product diversification, improve the quality of milk, strengthening the modal through loan with the financial intitutions, coordinating with the government to get assistance in strengthening the cooperation and breeder, increasing the population of cattle through joint venture, expanding markets, improve production facilities, improve technology, develop the healthy partnership, improve the management of the maintenance of dairy cows.
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Zikri PM. D., SuparnoO., & BantacutT. (2018). ANALISIS ALTERNATIF STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN KOPERASI PRODUKSI SUSU. Forum Agribisnis : Agribusiness Forum, 8(2), 169-180.
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