Current Biomedicine (p-ISSN: 2962-8490e-ISSN: 2985-4784) is an open access and a peer-reviewed scientific journal in the biomedical field.

Aims. Current Biomedicine aims to rapidly and accurately disseminate good-quality biomedical research, significantly benefiting the society.

Scope. Current Biomedicine covers a wide range of life sciences topics, both directly and indirectly related to human and animal health, supporting the One Medicine concept. These fields include (but are not limited to) anatomy, biochemistry, bioinformatics, biomedical engineering, biostatistics, biotechnology, clinics, cell biology, cytogenetics, embryology, epidemiology, ethnomedicine, experimental surgery, gene therapy, genetics, histology, immunology, laboratory diagnostics, legislation and bioethics, microbiology, molecular biology, nanobiotechnology, one health, parasitology, pathology, pharmacology, pharmacy, physiology, phytopharmaceuticals, public health, radiology and imaging, regenerative medicine, reproduction, surgery, and toxicology.

Article Type. Articles proposed for publication include research, review, case study, and short communication articles. Short communications may come as commentaries, opinions, reply articles, research notes, and correspondences to the editor.

Publication Frequency. Current Biomedicine is published bi-annually, namely in January and July. The first issue was published in January 2023.

Language. Starting 2025, articles will be published entirely in English. Articles submitted in English are preferred. Articles submitted in Indonesian will be translated into English, with the cost will be charged to the author.

Article Processing Charge. Author(s) are charged IDR 250,000,- for Indonesian author(s) or 20 USD for foreign author(s) for each article accepted for publication. 

Peer-review process. The peer-review process is carried out in a double-anonymized system. All procedures and decisions are independent, transparent, and accountable. The final decision is up to two months after receipt of a well-formatted manuscript unless additional review is needed or it depends on the author's response or revision.

Publisher. SVMBS IPB University collaborates with the Indonesia Veterinary Medical Association (IVMA/PDHI) to publish Current Biomedicine (Letter No. 001/E/KU/PBPDHI/XII/2022 dated 29 December 2022 confirmed with collaboration agreement No. 15/IT3.S4/HK.07.00.00/2024 dated 31 May 2024), and with PT Penerbit IPB Press (collaboration agreement No. 009/IPBPRESS/PKS/2022 dated 11 October 2022) that supports designing, layout, and printing the journal articles.


Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 1 (2025): January
Published: 2025-01-01


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