• Hera Ledy Melindo Departemen Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan, FPIK IPB University
  • Etty Riani Departemen Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan, FPIK IPB University
  • Metti Wiradika Charolyna Sinambela Sekolah Bisnis, IPB University
Keywords: Growth rate, Pelagic fish, Exploitation rate


Small pelagic fish stocks are the highest and most caught fish stocks for Indonesian consumption. Pelagic fish generally live in shallow water and form schools that act as intermediate consumers in the food chain (between producers and larger fish), thus requiring protective measures. This study aims to determine the growth rate and utilization of pelagic fish in Indramayu Regency, West Java. Fish sampling uses a literature review of data information from fishermen and other economic actors who utilize the pelagic fish ecosystem. Pepetek fish are expected to die earlier than tuna because pepetek fish reach asymptotic body length earlier than tuna with low growth factors in the results of studies with high growth rates. Pepetek, kurisi, kuniran, cob and tembang have very low exploitation rates below 50%. For mackerel, the recovery rate is 70.85%. This means that the average catch that occurs in Indramayu waters does not exceed the optimal limit of 50% so that there is no overfishing.


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