• Siti Erwina Erwina UNRI
  • Yoppie Christian PKSPL IPB
  • Ari Gunawan PKSPL IPB
Keywords: Anambas Islands fisheries, local wisdom. persistence, small scale fishers


This study is an ethnographic study of small-scale fishers on Palmatak Island, Siantan Island and Jemaja Island where information is obtained from structured interviews with small-scale fishermen in each location. Small fishermen from the Anambas Islands, Riau Archipelago have distinctive characteristics that distinguish them from other types of fishermen in other areas of Indonesia. This character peculiarity has a relationship with cultural values ​​that have grown from generation to generation in relation to the utilization of the surrounding aquatic resources. At this time, we can see forms of local wisdom practices that are institutionalized and are still strongly maintained collectively by small fishermen in this region in the form of choosing the type of boat, choosing fishing gear, using fish as food security, and knowledge in reading signs. natural sign to be a sign for fishing. In addition, there is still an ancak ritual that is still practiced as a form of their belief in the values ​​of their ancestral heritage. This combination of beliefs and good practices is the basis for the persistence of Anambas fishermen to continue fishing in a pre-capitalist mode of production alongside/co-exist with large-scale and modern fishing operations.


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