Economic valuation is needed to analyze the economic function of ecology against direct and indirect benefits for ecosystem services and natural resources. The aim of this research is to estimate the total economic value of an ecosystem in an area, which is expected to be analyzed from a public point of view as one of the important parameters in an economic analysis. Respondents consist of fishermen and economic actors who are located in the coastal study area in Indramayu Regency using the snowball sampling technique. Data analysis uses an economic valuation technique approach to calculate the total economic value of fishery resources. The results showed that in the mangrove ecosystem the actual value was lower in the form of the remaining green bag fragments. On the other hand, the coral reef ecosystem in the observation area still shows good results. And in the pelagic fish ecosystem, the composition of the species caught the most in the area include ponyfish, treadfin bream, goatfish, tuna, sardines, and mackerel with observations on the exploitation rate showing that overfishing has not occurred in Indramayu waters.
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