Nurhayati, Popong, Indonesia

  • Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 2 No. 2 (1996): Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan - Articles
    Studi Perbandingan Pengelolaan Usaha Perikanan Jaring Terapung di DAS Citarum (Waduk Jatiluhur, Saguling dan Cirata) Jawa Barat
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  • Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 5 No. 2 (2004): Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan - Articles
    Nilai Tambah Produk Olahan Perikanan pada Industri Perikanan Tradisional di DKI Jakarta
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  • Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 5 No. 2 (2004): Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan - Articles
    Efektivitas Komunikasi Iklan Televisi dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Pembelian Produk Perikanan oleh Ibu Rumah Tangga di Kelurahan Lubang Buaya, Kecamatan Cipayung, Jakarta Timur
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  • Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 6 No. 2 (2006): Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan - Articles
    The existence of a tour object is affected by the amount of the incoming visitor. Sea World Indonesia as one of the wisata aquatik objects in Indonesia also has to be able to see visitors as a detennining factor and as a main priority. It means without the visitors, the existence of the tour object means nothing. Therefore the best service and the adequate medium in enjoying Sea World Indonesia deserve an attention from the company it self. This research is aimed to identify any kinds of attribute that satisfied the visitors, how big is the satisfaction level of the visitors and the priorities that must be conducted by the company. The research method used in this research is a case study with the visitors of Sea World of Indonesia as the set of the case and, the visitor's satisfaction level Sea World Indonesia as the object researched.   The validity test and reliabilities test is done to see the validity and the reliability of the questioner as a main instrument of a data intake. Data analyze method used is Descriptive Analysis, Cochran Q Test Analysis, Importance and Pelformance Analysis. Result of the research showed that there are fourteen attributes that is capable to give satisfaction to the visitors which is; the diversity of the sea aquarium attritiute, the diversity of the freshwater aquarium, the main aquarium, the dugong aquarium, the touch pool, the nameplate of each species, the incoming ticket price, the sanitation of the location, the freshness of the location, the security of the location, the security officer, the toilet, the parking area and the access to the location, The incoming ticket price attribute, the divefsity of the freshwater aquarium and the parking area gives a low satisfaction. The attribute of sea aquarium diversity, the main aquarium, the species nameplate, the freshness of the location, the toilet and the access to the location showed medium satisfaction level The dugong aquarium attribute, the touch pool, the sanitation of the location, the security of the location and the security officer have given high satisfaction for the visitors of Sea World Indonesia.
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  • Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 6 No. 2 (2006): Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan - Articles
    Analisis Efisiensi Pemasaran Karang Hias di Pulau Panggang, Kabupaten Administrasi Kepulauan Seribu Marketing is one of the main interesting problem of karang hias (artifICial coral) business in Pulau Panggang. Some of artificial coral are gathered and then sole by fishennan to the collector who come to Pulau Panggang periodically. Among of species of artificial coral marketed from Pulau Panggang were called karang hias Jamur Mangkok, karang hias Babut Hijau, karang hias Pipa Salim and karang hias Nanas Mata. There are many marketing institutional involved in artificial coral marketing from Pulau Panggang. They have a big role to deliver karang hias from fISherman to the consumer.   The aims of this research are : 1) to identify the pattern of karang hias marketing channel that occurred in Pulau Panggang, 2) to analyze marketing efficiency of karang hias in Pulau Panggang: include of market structure, market behavior and marketing margin.   Result of this research showed that there are five patterns of marketing chamef in Pulau Panggang. Marketing instjutional that i!1volved in distribution of karang hias to the consumer consisted of fishermen, coIlector, merchant, exporter, and retailer. Market structured of karang hias tend to form imperfectly competition. Market behavior showed that in functional martfel activities fisherman have got a low price and low of fishermen's share. Market institutional of karang hias didn't get the spread of profit, cost of marketing was relatively high and marketing margin was also high enough. Those market structure,market behavior and marketing margin Rlcated that marketing of karang hias in Pulau Panggang, Kabupaten Administrasi Keputauan Semu was inefficient.  
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  • Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 6 No. 2 (2006): Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan - Articles

    Compensation as appreciation for surrender and present all of employee wo/t(s result to belong to centre, divided to financial and non financial. Financial compensation among other things are direct financial, one of its insentive and indirect financial in formed subsidy. Looking for insentive characteristic which is to take directly between employees reward with prestation of work that they reach, therefore insentive giving would be motivating the employee to increase their prestation of works.


    This research was conducted to analysis of insentive system which used by BPBILAPU Pangandaran, to identificate many factors which decided amount of insentive that employee get and to analysis the using·of insentive system which more efective based of merit system.


    Results indicated that insentive system which used by BPBILAPU Pangandaran is group/team insentive system with using profit sharing plan, calculation which the sharing consist of 5% for production team and 10% for aU of employee. Many factors which decided insentive of employee BPBILAPU Pangandaran are human resources, natural resources, capital, environment and market. Insentive system based of merit system consist of individual insentive (piecework, production bonus and pay for knowledge compensation) and group insentive (production sharing plan) more effective to used. Both of them have bigger insentive value than insentive which employee gel Besides of it, insentive value that employee get was established by prestation and productivity of work..
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  • Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 7 No. 2 (2007): Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan - Articles

    Competition in business of fishing restaurant is highly increasing. In this situation, customer have more better bargaining position. This condition give them opportunity to choose the best one fishing restaurant that give them satisfaction. Therefore, satisfied the customer is the best way to be the winner in the fishing restaurant business competition.

    This research is aimed to identify attributes of Lumintu 1001 quality of service that influenced the customer satisfaction, to identify the level of customer satisfaction toward attributes of Lumintu 1001 quality of service, to get the information of the priority attributes to improve.

    Result of the research showed 16 attributes quality of service in Lumintu 1001 fishing restaurant. There were sanitary kit, waiter appearance, room layout, room neatness, tasted of food and beverage, atmospheriC of fishing restaurant, suitability of food and beverage, fishing facility, quickness of service, waiter response to the problems, convenience toward payment, friendly of service, availability of foood and beverage written in the list of menu, security of availability of food and beverage, staff skill and knowledge to explain of menu, waiter availability to communication to the customer.

    Customer assessed attributes of quality of service based on the level of importance and satisfaction each attributes. Customer Satisfaction index showed that quality of service in Lumintu 1001 fishing restaurant gave the satisfaction to the customer. The range of satisfaction is between satisfaction enough to satisfaction. Attributes of quality of service that give priority to improve are quickness of service and room neatness.

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  • Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 7 No. 1 (2007): Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan - Articles
    The Govemment of OKI Jakarta had built the new TPI (Tempat Pelelangan likan) in Muara Angke to replace the function of the old TPI. This new TPI have equipped an improving facility and service of quality cause of service and managerial problems of the old TPI. These problems are hygiene and sanitary, capacity of auction sale area and security. Success of TPI management service influenced of user subjective perception on it perceived quality. Therefore, measurement of satisfaction of the auction sale participants toward the care service attributes of TPI Muara Angke is required. This research is aimed to identify level of satisfaction of auction sale participants toward the service attributes of TPI, how is the management orientation of accurate service attributes in TPI Muara Angke, how is the quality of care service perceived by auction sale participants in TPI Muara Angke, and how is suitability of perception of auction sale participants toward the perceived quality in TPI Muara Angke. Result of the research showed that generally, auction sale participant feel satisfied with the performance care of TPI Muara Angke. Its shown in value of customer satisfaction index 0,73763 that caused of service quality improvement the new TPI Muara Angke which has more completely facility service. According auction sale participants, care service of new TPI Muara Angke is better than the old TPI Muara Angke. The auction sale participants between the new TPI Muara Angke and the old TPI Muara Angke gave different assessment about quality of each service' attributes. It means there's no suitability perceived quality between the new TPI Muara Angke and the old TPI Muara Angke. The auction sale participants have different perception about quality of service attributes both TPI.  
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