Kajian Pengelolaan Sampah Berdasarkan Daya Dukung dan Kapasitas Tampung Prasarana Persampahan Kota Depok
Depok City can only manage about 56.22% from total of 1,286 tons of its daily solid waste. The amount increases everyday that it becomes more concerning to apply solid waste management. The objective of this research is to analyze solid waste management based on the carrying capacity and the storage capacity of waste infrastructures in Depok City. Methods of this study were the suitability between supply and demand of domestic solid waste and the waste infrastructures, Integrated Risk Based Approach (IRBA) and literature study. This study shows that Depok City government has a good system in solid waste management but still needs to improve the quantity and capacity of the infrastructures. Garbage banks can reduce 20% of the inorganic waste and the Organic Waste Processing Unit (Unit Pengolahan Sampah Organik/UPS) has low index carrying capacity of 0.26, which can reduce 3.64% of organic waste. The IRBA shows that Cipayung landfill has moderate danger. The numbers of waste infrastructures required at each district in Depok City shall be equipped, so that the amount of waste disposed to Cipayung landfill can be reduced.References
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