Intruction to Authors

The Indonesian Journal of Tropical Agriculture


General Requirements. Articles submitted must be original research reports or policy analyses not previously nor concurrently published in any other international scientific journals.

Scope. Articles accepted for publication are those reporting research findings, policy analyses, or opinion related to agriculture in broad sense. The articles are subject to critical review by peer group (reviewers) and published trough the approval to the Editorial Board. Information on apparattus, observation, and experimental techniques are accepted as a note.

Format of research papers. Articles should be oerderly written with the following format: tittle, author(s) and institution, abstract, keywords, introduction, methodology (materials and method are approach), results and discussion, conclusions, acknowledgements (if necessery) and references.

Tittle. A good title briefly identifies the subject and indicates the purpose of the study.

Abstract. The abstract must be completely self-explanatory and intelligible. It must include the reason for conducting the study, objectives, methods used, results, and conclusion. The length should not exceed 300 words for regular paper and written in one paragraph. For notes, abstract is not required.

Statistical Methods. Statistical methods should have enough details of experimental and or sampling design so that the results can be judged for validity and reliability.

Nomenclature. The Latin binomial or trinomial (in italics) and the authority must be shown for organisms when first used in the abstract and in the text. Cultivars and breeds (not experimental lines) must be identified by quotation marks when first mentioned in the abstract and in the text if they are not readily indetified as such (e. g., cv. “Rojelele” or the cultivar “Intan”, “Pelung” breed) Full chemical names for compounds must be used when first mentioned in the abstract and in the text. Thereafter, the common or generic name can be used. Soil should be identified at the series and family level, if possible, in the abstract and in the text.

Numerals. Reported data should not include more than the significant digits that the precision of the experimental methods warrant. Treatmen means should be rounded to 1/10 of their estimated standard error. For example, if the estimated is 1.43, the means should be rounded to the nearest 0.1. Numerals must be used for numbers followed units of measurement. Usually, word should be used for the numbers one trough nine unless it is followed by a unit of measurement. When writing decimal less than one, place a zero before the decimal point. Do not use a hyphen or dash to replace the prepositions “to” between numerals. Use spaces instead of commas for grouping numbers into three (thousands), counting from the decimals point toward the left or right. For digit numbers, the space is not necessary except for uniformity in tables. Examples: 8575, instead of 85 750.

Units of Measurements. The international Unit System (SI), including derived and specific non-SI units, are required. Other unit system may be included in parenthess as an option if this will help to clarify an interpetation of data.

Symbols and Abbreviations. The use of symbols and abbreviations saves space. However, an excessive use will make articles difficult to read. Do not begin a sentence with an abbreviation. Month accompanied by day and year are abbreviated using the first three letters, except for May, June, July, and Sept. The name of month must be spelled completely when used alone. Similar to the units of measurement, the % symbol only be used after numerals. Use the recognized symbols for chemical elements. Some commonly used abbreviations are : avg. for average, dry wt. For dry weight, r for coefficient of linear correlation, CV for coefficient of variation, vs. for versus, s2 for sample variance. Other abbreviations may be used if they have been identified at the first time mentioned in the article.

Reporting Time and Dates. Use the 24-h time system with four digits; the first two for hours and the last two for minutes, e.g., 1430 h for 2:30 PM. Date are started with the day followed by the month and year, e.g., 7 Aug. 1982.

Manuscript Preparation. Manuscript must be typed, double-spaced, on 216 by 280 mm bond paper (60 to 80 g m-2) or on 9 1/2 by 11 inch 1 –ply computer paper. Four legible photocopies or one original plus three legible copies are required. An abstract and a list of additional keywords must be included at the beginning of the text body. Table(s) and figure(s) must be prepared on separate sheet with double-spaced caption, and place them at the end of the manuscript. The language used must conform to the accepted standards of english style and usage.

Tables. Number the table(s) consecutively. For footnote, use integer number followed by closing bracket, and typed as superscript. The single (*) and double (**) asterisks are used to indicate statistical significance and have the priority in this order to show the 5 and 1 % levels significance, respectively. Do not repeat in the text body the data or information already presented in the charts of graphs.

Figures. Photographs for half-tone reproduction should be glossy prints with good contrasts. Prepare the drawings of graphs or charts with India ink on heavy white drawing papers or blue tracing cloths. Type-written materials are not acceptable on graphs and charts, and computer print-out must have acceptable contrasts and be carefully prepared. It is desirable to use photograph and drawings wich can be reduced to 84 mm column width. A good size of drawing is twice that desired in the printed figure. It is not desirable to use the type-size of lettering or numbers in a finished drawing smaller than that used in the body of an article. The size used for main subheads in a scientific journal article (10 point or 3.5 mm) is a good maximum size for lettering in finished printed drawings. Label each figure on the back with the name of author(s), title of article, and number of figure. Use soft lead pencil.

References. The reference section may include published literature and unpublished but available reports, theses, or dissertations. Reference to unpublished data, personal communications, and unavailable reports should be included in the text in parentheses. The reference must be listed in alphabetical order. The author-year or institution-year notation should be used in the text. Journal references should inlcude the names of all authors, year, complete title, name of Journal, volume number, and inclusive pages. For books, write the name of the author(s), editor(s), if any, year, complete title, publisher, and place publication.

Reprints. Ten reprints of each article will be send free of charge to the first or corresponding author. Additional reprints can be ordered at cost.


Mailing Address, Send four hard copies of manuscript along with the file of the manuscript to :


Indonesian Journal of Tropical Agriculture

c/o Reaserch Institute IPB

Gedung Rektorat Lt.3

Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor 16680
